Essential Composting Tips For Your Garden

1. Balance Green And Brown Materials

Fruit, vegetable, grass, coffee, and plant trimmings are nitrogen-rich green materials. Carbon-rich brown materials include straw, dry leaves, shredded paper, and cardboard. 

2. Cut/Shred Materials

Smaller components degrade faster. Cut or shred twigs or vegetable leftovers to speed decomposition.

3. Make Layers

To promote airflow and breakdown, alternate green and brown layers in your compost pile or container.

4. Maintain Moisture

Maintain compost moisture like a sponge. In heavy rain, cover or moisten the pile to avoid waterlogging.

5. Turn Compost Regularly

Turn or aerate compost every 1-2 weeks with a pitchfork or shovel to add oxygen, hasten decomposition, and prevent smells.

6. Aerate Materials

Use straw or twigs to keep the compost pile airy and prevent compacting.

7. Maintain Size

Aim for a compost pile that's at least 3 feet high and wide to retain heat and encourage microbial activity for efficient decomposition.

8. Keep Out Junk

Meat, dairy, greasy meals, pet waste, and damaged plants may attract pests and diseases to your compost pile.

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